
Why React Native for Web Applications? 20 Best React Native Tools

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If you’re a web developer and want to build a React Native application, you’re probably wondering how to do it in a way that’s helpful to front-end developers. It turns out that you can get a task done with the knowledge you already have.

Without question, React Native for web applications has exploded in popularity and momentum since its launch in 2015. It is a framework that is frequently used to create cross-platform apps. Now that 2023 has here, the development of new technologies and tools for React Native apps is also anticipated to increase. React Native’s increasing popularity is once again grabbing users’ attention due to these popular tools and IDEs.

Due to the advancement of various technologies, it is now quite simple for developers to select any tool based on their needs to create a high-quality mobile application.

Hence, this blog post will discuss tools that can greatly simplify react native for web applications development.

Why React Native for Web Applications?

Why React Native for Web Applications

React Native is a popular framework for building cross-platform mobile applications using JavaScript and React. Although it was first created to develop mobile applications, it may also be used to create online applications. React Native is a fantastic option for web applications for several reasons:

Code Reusability: Reusability of the code is one of the main benefits of utilizing React Native for web applications. The same code may be used for mobile and web applications because React Native was created with cross-platform development in mind. Since developers don’t have to build unique code for several platforms, this can save time and work.

Faster Development: Web apps may be quickly constructed using the many pre-made components that React Native offers. As developers don’t have to spend as much time creating unique components from the start, development is sped up and made simpler.

Better User Experience: React Native is renowned for offering an excellent mobile user experience. Web apps fall under the same category. Building quick, responsive, and user-friendly online applications are made possible by React Native.

Larger Developer Community: The developer community for React Native is sizable and vibrant. As a result, several tools are available to developers using React Native to create web applications. Also, numerous third-party tools and packages are simple to incorporate into React Native projects.

Cross-Platform Compatibility: Due to React Native’s cross-platform nature, web applications created with it may be quickly converted to other platforms like iOS and Android. This makes it a fantastic option for companies planning to spread their applications to other platforms eventually.

React Native is a good choice for web applications because of its code reusability, faster development, better user experience, larger developer community, and cross-platform compatibility.

How Widely is React Native used in Terms of Market Share?

How widely is React Native used in terms of market share_

React Native is a popular cross-platform framework for building mobile applications developed by Facebook. After its debut in 2015, it has become incredibly well-liked and is now utilized by many developers and businesses.

React Native is becoming increasingly well-liked as a practical way to create cross-platform mobile apps without costing a fortune.

How well-known is it exactly?

Look at the market share for React Native:

According to a Statista survey, React Native was the second most popular mobile app development framework among developers in 2021, behind Flutter.

When you consider the current top apps in the App Store and Google Play Store, the statistics become even more illuminating. 14.85% of the top 500 downloaded apps in the US were created with React Native. Some of the top businesses in the world, including Facebook, Instagram, Bloomberg, Walmart, Uber Eats, Tesla, and others, also use React Native.

React Native is the third most popular framework in the category of top American apps, right behind Kotlin and Android Architecture Components.

20 Best React Native Tools

20 Best React Native Tools

React Native is a popular JavaScript framework for building cross-platform mobile applications. There are many tools available for React Native that can help streamline the development process and improve the quality of your code. Here are 20 popular tools for React Native development:

Tools Features  Pricing
Expo Development Environment, Publishing, Built-in Components Free
Redux Redux Toolkit, Redux DevTools, Redux Saga Open source
Ignite Code generation, Hot reloading, CLI commands Free, Open source
Jest Interactive Watch Mode, Code Coverage, Snapshot Testing Open source
Visual Studio Code IntelliSense, Hot Reloading, Extensions Free
Xcode Performance analysis, Code completion, Debugging tools Free
React Navigation Tab Navigation, Customizable Header, Drawer Navigation Open source
ESLint JSX support, Code consistency, Error checking Free
Android Studio Code editor, Visual Layout Editor, Git Integration Free, Open source

 1. React Native Debugger: 

The React Native Debugger is an effective tool for creating and debugging React Native for web applications. It gives developers a way to analyze, debug, and visualize their React Native code, which makes it simpler to find and fix problems as they arise.

One of the key advantages of utilizing React Native Debugger is that it enables programmers to inspect and modify the state and props of their components in real-time, which can speed up the identification and correction of errors. Moreover, React Native Debugger offers a complete set of tools for examining your app’s performance, including CPU and memory utilization measurements.

 2. Expo: 

Expo is a collection of services and technologies that allow developers to build and distribute React Native for web  applications swiftly. The development process is streamlined and simplified, making it simpler to create cross-platform apps for iOS, Android, and the web.

One of the biggest advantages of the Expo is its simplicity. The complexity of setting up build systems or navigating the quirks of several platforms are issues that Expo eliminates for developers. Instead, they may concentrate on creating their app while leaving the specifics to Expo.

Developers who are new to React Native or want to quickly prototype an idea without devoting a lot of effort to setup and setting will find Expo extremely helpful. However, it’s worth noting that Expo has some limitations, particularly when customizing the build process or integrating with certain third-party libraries. Still, Expo is a useful tool for creating top-notch React Native applications for many developers.

 3. Ignite: 

Ignite is an open-source set of tools, plugins, and boilerplates built on top of React Native that provides developers with a streamlined and efficient way to create high-quality mobile apps. It is intended to simplify, accelerate, and scale the process of creating React Native apps.

One of the main benefits of Ignite is its ease of use. It allows developers to get up and running quickly with a pre-built application structure that includes the best code organization and testing practices. Additionally, Ignite provides tools for generating new components and screens, reducing the need for manual coding.

Overall, Ignite is a powerful tool that simplifies the development of React Native applications, allowing developers to focus on building high-quality user experiences rather than on the complexities of building a mobile app from scratch.

 4. Redux: 

In React Native applications, Redux can be utilized as a state management tool. It gives the programme one location to store all of its data and makes it possible for it to control its state predictably and effectively.

Redux allows different application components to access and modify the application’s state through a single object tree. Maintaining consistency and preventing data inconsistencies is simple because any state changes are immediately reflected throughout the programme.

 5. React Navigation: 

React Navigation is a popular open-source library for building Navigation and routing in React Native apps. It offers a simple, adaptable navigation mechanism that lets programmers design user interfaces that are simple and fluid.

One of the benefits of using React Navigation is that it has a large and active community that contributes to its development and provides support for other developers. It also provides a wealth of functionality and thorough documentation that can help developers quickly add Navigation to their React Native projects.

 6. Reactotron: 

Reactotron is a desktop app that provides an intuitive user interface for debugging React Native for web applications. It enables developers to monitor real-time logs, network requests, and database queries in addition to inspecting and debugging their React Native applications. Reactotron is a valuable tool for developers because it includes features like Redux integration and error tracking.

In addition to these features, Reactotron supports Redux integration, allowing developers to inspect their Redux stores and view the actions and state changes that occur in real-time. Moreover, it provides error tracking, which enables developers to observe any errors that arise in their programme and obtain comprehensive error information, including the stack trace and any pertinent data.

 7. Jest: 

Jest is a popular testing framework used for testing React Native applications. It is a JavaScript testing framework that enables programmers to create automated tests that validate their code’s functionality.

Some of the key benefits of using Jest for testing React Native applications include its ability to run tests quickly and efficiently, provide real-time feedback on test results, and integrate easily with other tools such as CI/CD pipelines.

 8. Storybook: 

Storybook is a popular tool in the React Native development ecosystem that helps developers build and test UI components in isolation. It gives developers the freedom to create, test, and develop components without regard to the specific application context in which they will be utilized.

Using Storybook with React Native for web applications, developers can create a separate environment for testing UI components, making it easier to find and fix issues before integrating them into the application. To facilitate team collaboration and guarantee consistency in design and functionality, developers can organize, document, and demonstrate components using Storybook in a single area.

 9. CodePush: 

With the help of the tool CodePush, React Native for web applications developer can rapidly update their apps without going through the lengthy app store update procedure. A specific user group or all users can rapidly receive updates to their React Native apps due to this cloud-based solution.

With CodePush, developers can push code updates to their app without waiting for the app store review process. This feature is particularly useful for bug fixes, security patches, and new features that must be deployed quickly.

 10. AppCenter: 

AppCenter React Native is a strong solution React Native for web applications development tool, offering a variety of features and capabilities to assist developers in streamlining the app development process and ensuring the quality and performance of their apps.

In addition, AppCenter offers a range of analytics and monitoring tools to help developers understand how their apps are performing in the real world. This includes information on crashes, usage statistics, and user reviews.

 11. React Native CLI: 

Developing and managing React Native for web applications, there is a command-line interface tool called React Native CLI. Without using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Expo or Visual Studio Code, developers can build up a React Native project.

Developers may start a new project, run it on a simulator or actual device, and manage dependencies using the React Native CLI. In addition, the CLI offers several tools to simplify the development process, including generating release builds, linking native modules, and building new components.

 12. Visual Studio Code: 

A popular code editor known as Visual Studio Code (VS Code) gives developers access to several tools that increase productivity and efficiency. For creating cross-platform mobile applications, React Native is a well-liked framework.

The VS Code React Native tool is a plugin that extends the functionality of VS Code to support React Native for web applications development. It offers several tools to aid developers in creating, testing, and troubleshooting their React Native applications.

One of the standout features of the VS Code Reacts Native tool is IntelliSense support, which offers auto-completion for React Native components, attributes, and functions. This decreases the possibility of errors and makes it simpler for developers to write code.

 13. Atom: 

Atom React Native Tool is a package for the Atom text editor that supports building React Native for web applications. With this tool, developers may create React Native applications faster by using Atom as their main text editor.

Developers can inspect the application’s components, write and change their code, and debug it using the Atom React Native Tool editor. Also, the package has a command palette that enables programmers to run different React Native tasks without leaving the editor.

 14. Xcode: 

Xcode can be used to develop React Native for web applications on macOS. It offers several tools, including a visual editor, code completion, debugging, and performance analysis tools, that can help developers produce high-quality React Native applications.

To use Xcode for React Native development, developers must install Node.js, Watchman, and the React Native command-line interface (CLI) on their system. After setting up these prerequisites, developers may use the CLI to create a new React Native project, launch that project in Xcode, and begin developing and debugging their application.

 15. Android Studio: 

A well-liked integrated development environment (IDE) for creating Android apps is called Android Studio. React Native is a JavaScript framework for building cross-platform mobile apps. React Native can be used with Android Studio by installing the React Native plugin.

With the help of the React Native plugin for Android Studio, developers can easily create and manage React Native projects inside the IDE. The plugin makes it simple for developers to start fresh React Native projects, edit current ones, and run them on real Android devices or emulators.

 16. Firebase: 

A tool called Firebase React Native combines the strength of Firebase with the simplicity of React Native. Developers may quickly integrate Firebase services into their React Native applications using the set of frameworks and tools provided by this package.

In addition to authentication, real-time database, cloud messaging, and storage, Firebase React Native also provides other services. Simple APIs that may be used in React Native applications and components provide access to these services.

 17. Fastlane: 

Fastlane React Native is an effective toolkit that may assist React Native developers in automating the release process so they can concentrate on creating outstanding products. Developers can quickly automate processes like creating screenshots, sending beta versions of their apps to testers, and submitting them to app stores with the help of the Fastlane React Native plugin. This can streamline the release process significantly and save time and effort.

 18. ESLint: 

ESLint React Native has rules ensuring that code complies with best practices and is mobile-friendly. For instance, it has regulations that forbid the usage of specific APIs that might not be accessible on all devices, or that might result in performance problems. It also has guidelines that support uniform formatting and styling of the code.

Using ESLint React Native can help improve the quality and consistency of your React Native code, making it easier to maintain and debug. Also, it can help identify potential abnormalities early in the development process before they develop.

 19. Prettier: 

Prettier is a code formatter that can be applied to code written in JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, and React Native. Prettier automatically formats code according to predetermined standards to offer a consistent and simple-to-read code style throughout a project.

Overall, Prettier is a valuable tool for React Native developers who want to ensure that their code is consistent, easy to read, and conforms to predefined rules.

 20. Postman: 

A well-liked API development tool called Postman enables programmers to test, describe, and exchange APIs. Postman provides a mobile application for iOS, and Android smartphones, including a version, specifically made for React Native, in addition to its web-based interface.

Many of the same functionality found in the desktop and online apps are also available in the Postman React Native application, such as the ability to submit requests, examine responses, and create and save collections of requests. Additionally, it has elements made especially for mobile use, like the capacity to import collections and environments by scanning QR codes.


To sum up, the ecosystem of React Native technology has greatly improved over the previous few years. To include some of the best alternatives for the React Native ecosystem, we have carefully selected the things on this list. Each of the tools mentioned above has a distinct purpose and quality. Even though these technologies do comparable tasks and serve similar purposes, selecting the best framework depends on the user and developer’s preferences.

Now, if you have a project that needs to include React Native for web applications development services, there is no better option than working with a React Native app development company that uses these tools’ benefits.


Question 1: What is React Native?

React Native is an open-source mobile application framework that enables programmers to create cross-platform applications with just one JavaScript codebase.

Question 2: What are the benefits of using React Native for web applications?

There are numerous benefits to using React Native for web applications, including:

  • Cross-platform development: With React Native, you can use the same codebase to create apps for the web, iOS, and Android operating systems.
  • Shorter development time: Development time is greatly shortened because you only need to write code once.
  • Cost-effective: One codebase that works across several platforms can reduce development costs.
  • Simple to update: As there is only one codebase, it is simple to update and maintain.

Question 3: Can React Native be used for web development?

Yes, web development can use React Native. Developers can create React components that can be displayed in web browsers using React DOM by utilizing React Native for the web.

Question 4: What are some popular tools for React Native development?

There are many tools available for React Native development; some of the most popular ones include the following:

  • Expo: A set of tools and services for building, deploying, and managing React Native applications.
  • React Native Debugger: A standalone app with a graphical interface for debugging React Native applications.
  • Reactotron: A desktop app for inspecting React and React Native applications.
  • Redux: A state management library that is commonly used with React Native.
  • React Native CLI: A command-line interface for creating and managing React Native projects.

Question 5: Can React Native be used for building desktop applications?

Yes, desktop applications can be created with React Native. Developers can build desktop applications utilizing web technologies like React Native with the help of several tools, like Electron.

Question 6: Is React Native suitable for large-scale web applications?

Yes, React Native is appropriate for large-scale web apps. React Native for web applications is a fantastic option for developing applications of any scale due to its performance, scalability, and adaptability.