NodeJS Development

Laravel vs NodeJS: A Detailed Comparison on Laravel and NodeJS for Backend Development

Laravel vs NodeJS: A Detailed Comparison on Laravel and NodeJS for Backend Development Blog Detail Banner

Laravel vs NodeJS, are you wondered which one is the correct choices for your backend development? 

Since it dramatically impacts the development process and the project’s success, selecting the right web technology is essential. As of 2023, Node.js overtook React.js as the most popular web framework among software engineers globally. According to the survey, approximately 42.7 percent of respondents used Node.js, while 40.6 percent used React.js. The built-in tools and capabilities of Node.js and Laravel allow developers to accelerate development and finish projects more quickly.

Node.js in web development is a renowned open-source Javascript runtime engine that tech titans like Google, Meta, and Amazon widely back. It is well-suited for real-time, high-concurrency online applications. Contrarily, Laravel is a PHP web application framework frequently utilized to create dependable and feature-rich online apps. 

Reading these points will help you feel more confident about choosing either node js or PHP. Both frameworks have their own set of distinctive and attractive features that may confuse you. To answer the question Laravel vs NodeJS Which One Is Better, let’s briefly review each web frameworks

What is Laravel: A Detailed Guide

What is Laravel A detailed Guide Laravel is a Model View Controller (MVC) open-source framework. Its open-source nature encourages many people to contribute to its advancement. Overall, it makes sure that high-quality applications are delivered. Developers can use Laravel to combine elements from other frameworks, including Ruby on Rails, Yii, and CodeIgniter.

With significantly enhanced functionality, Laravel accelerates web development. If you are familiar with both core PHP and advanced PHP, working with it is simple. In addition, Laravel provides excellent security for websites and guards against cyberattacks. The main advantage is based on the server side, meaning that full-stack applications, logic, and customized templates may be used to create predefined architecture applications. Additionally, you can manage and keep up with the SaaS projects.

Pros and Cons of Using Laravel

Pros  Cons 

The availability of ready-made templates expedites the development process. 

Lack of technical talents

Laravel is the greatest PHP environment for developing web applications due to its MVC architecture.

No built-in support function

Simple coding

Laravel does not have a payment option by default

Easy data migration

When updating versions, Laravel also has issues, just like other PHP frameworks.


Laravel isn’t the quickest web framework available.

Commonly Used Applications Using a Laravel Backend

1. Barchart  –

Barchart is a financial platform that gains access to the most recent information on the stock markets worldwide and trading offers, currency conversions, gold prices, and other things.

2. InvoiceNinja – 

InvoiceNinja is an open-source invoicing system for businesses and independent contractors. In other words, it allows users to do things like create invoices, manage payments, and keep an eye on their expenditures.

3. Laracasts –

Laracasts is an online learning platform that provides several courses and services as a venue for the expert diagnosis and resolution of technical issues.

What is NodeJS: A Detailed Guide

What is Nodejs A detailed GuideNode.js is a JavaScript-based backend runtime environment. As a result, it would be incorrect to refer to Node as a framework like Laravel. Node.js is a free software program. The V8 engine, which converts JavaScript into machine code, powers it. Another vital aspect is async programming, which eliminates latency. Applications built using Node.js are lightweight and efficient because of the technology behind them.

As Node.js is based on JS, it includes an extensive Javascript library. This improves the functionality of NodeJs by making it simple to construct web apps. Node Js is a fantastic environment since it can execute jobs that even advanced languages like Python cannot.

Pros and Cons of Using NodeJS

Pros  Cons 

Since Node.js is open source, you can use it for free on any platform you choose

Reduces performance when handling Heavy Computing Tasks

Strong community support

It lacks library support

High-performance for Real-time Applications

Due to its unstable API, Node.js encourages numerous code modifications.

Improves App Response Time and Boosts Performance

Dealing with Relational Database

Extensibility to Meet Customized Requirements

Not Suited for CPU-intensive Tasks

Commonly Used Applications Using a Node JS Backend

1. Netflix – 

Netflix speeds up setup and improves efficiency. The startup time was decreased from 40 minutes to 60 seconds as a result of the change from JavaScript to Node.js.

2. LinkedIn –

Node.js is the primary runtime environment for LinkedIn’s mobile applications and web APIs. The business’s primary website, which serves over 690 million people, also runs on Node.js.

3. GoDaddy –

GoDaddy, one of the world’s most extensive hosting and domain name providers, is a significant company that supports node.js. When GoDaddy updated their website in 2016, they modified it.

NodeJS vs Laravel – Key Differences

Nodejs vs Laravel – Key differences

Despite their apparent differences, Laravel vs NodeJS share several noteworthy characteristics. Before we discuss the critical distinctions between these programming wonders, let’s first discuss their commonalities.

  • Open source: Laravel and Node are both open-source software programs. While Laravel is an open-source web development framework, Node is an open-source runtime environment.
  • Full-stack: Full-stack development is offered by both Laravel and Node. Laravel uses PHP for the back end and JavaScript for the front end. JavaScript is used by both the Node client and the Node backend.
  • Solidity: Laravel and Node are backed and used by a large number of software developers globally. These two languages are used to create a sizable number of software programs. 
Point of Difference Laravel NodeJS 


2011 2009


PHP MVC framework

Google Chrome’s JavaScript Runtime Engine


Laravel is used in 0.35% of the websites.

Node.js is used in 4.24% of the websites.


Ideal for MySQL and Maria DB

It is compatible with Express JS Alternative and is best suited for MongoDB/MongooseJS.




Security aspects

Built-in security system

Security flaws in using third-party modules

The learning curve

Steep learning curve

Easy to adapt

Market leader

Compared to Nodejs, Laravel is not as popular in the market. 

Compared to Laravel, Nodejs is the widely acknowledged market leader.

Ease of Coding



Latest Version

Laravel 9

Node 18.3.0


Has built-in templates to create beautiful designs for sections

No built-in templates 

When to use

To build a robust website based on CMS 

To build service-based compact architecture

Popular platform using Pfizer, BBC, 9GAG, Liberty Mutual Insurance

LinkedIn, Trello, Uber, Netflix, NASA

Laravel vs NodeJS: Which Should You Choose?

Laravel vs NodeJS Which Should You Choose

You should better understand these two technological marvels now that we’ve gone through them in depth. These two frameworks, Laravel vs NodeJS provide a wide range of features that will improve the accessibility, stability, security, and scalability of your application.

Finally, you ought to pick a technology with the qualities your project needs.

When & Why You Should Use Laravel?

  • Creating a microservices-supporting application.
  • Constructing business-level applications
  • CRM, or other content-focused systems with numerous database tables for backend database management.
  • Creating advanced security applications.
  • Using templates to build pre-built apps.

When Should You Use Node.js?

  • Real-time apps are made because data is processed rapidly, and consumers respond promptly.
  • Making applications that require a lot of data, like Netflix, PayPal, etc.
  • Design of chatbots
  • Helpful in automating and web scraping

Final Verdict 

After thoroughly comparing Laravel vs NodeJS, we came to the following conclusions:

  • Both frameworks are regarded as distinctive, and each has advantages and disadvantages of its own.
  • Which platform best suits product complexity depends entirely on the kind of product you intend to develop.

Please note that one may be superior to the other, but it’s time to choose the option that best satisfies your unique needs.

As a result, selecting the appropriate technology necessitates extensive research into compatibility, scalability, performance, and numerous other factors. Most issues may be resolved by choosing the best Laravel vs NodeJS development companies. They will have the most effective development teams, so you won’t have to worry about those issues. 


Question 1: Which is superior, Laravel vs NodeJS? 

Whether to use Laravel vs NodeJS depends on the user’s requirements. For e-commerce, business, and educational websites, Laravel includes built-in templates. To satisfy template requirements, Node.js needs third-party solutions.

Question 2: In 2023, will Laravel be in use?

Since it mostly depends on the requirements and preferences of different developers and businesses, there is no clear-cut solution to this topic. To be sure, Laravel will continue to be heavily utilized by backend development partners until 2023 and beyond.

Question 3: What are Node.js’s key benefits?

Fast delivery, scalability, cross-platform support, community support, and simplicity of adoption are a few of Node.js’ critical benefits for businesses that make it a solid option for creating an application.

Question 4: Why is Node.js so well-liked?

Node.js is a practical and effective option because of its asynchronous programming capabilities. Due to its event-driven architecture, it can manage numerous concurrent requests while being lightweight.