On demand app development

What is a Doctor on Demand App? Best Features, Cost in 2023(Detailed Guide)

What is a Doctor on Demand App? Best Features, Cost in 2023(Detailed Guide) Blog Detail Banner

Suppose you’ve looked forward to your appointment more than the wait in the doctor’s office. In that case, you might find the increasing accessibility of telemedicine services like Doctor on Demand alluring.

Of course, telemedicine isn’t always the most excellent choice. You should seek emergency medical assistance if you suffer, for example, a head injury, a significant wound, or chest trouble. If your concern is not urgent yet, virtual healthcare platforms can be a viable solution for various physical and mental health issues.

The healthcare sector has significantly changed in recent years due to these mobile applications. They’ve pushed numerous doctors, healthcare facilities, and medical organizations to invest in developing doctor on-demand apps and encourage users to download them on their smartphones. Let’s quickly go through the data below:

Zion Market Research estimates that the global market for mHealth apps is expanding by 38.26% yearly. It is anticipated to reach $111.1 billion by 2025.

The Statista report is also encouraging. According to the prediction for the global telemedicine market, revenue will reach $460 billion in 2030.

If you are a doctor or healthcare professional mesmerized by these statistics and want to enter this market segment while also wanting to make a wise selection, you have come to the right spot.

Here we’ve discussed the doctor on Demand app, including how it functions, the concerns it addresses, pricing, and other information; continue reading.

What is a Doctor on Demand App?

What is Doctor on Demand App_

A doctor on Demand app is a telemedicine app that enables remote communication between patients and physicians. The app has many useful features that streamline the online consultation process. Patients can use the app to schedule virtual appointments with doctors, nurse practitioners, or other healthcare providers for consultations, prescriptions, and medical care. Providing excellent services to end users in charitable and profitable ways is growing more common in the medical sector.

Also, you can use doctor on demand app for routine health and wellness checkups.

If you’re interested in therapy or psychiatric services but are unsure of the precise level of care you want, then a doctor on demand can also assist you. This can help you better grasp the distress you experience daily.

Even though the evaluation only asks questions regarding depression and anxiety, Doctor on Demand does provide support for a wide range of additional mental health problems and symptoms. They include substance use disorders, bipolar illness, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and sleeplessness.

Let’s look at some of the Pros and Cons of the doctor on demand app.

Pros  Cons
Any day of the week is available for appointment scheduling Physical Examination is Limited
The available professionals cover a broad spectrum of specialties. There might not be many therapists available where you live.
Your insurance may cover the cost. The wait for an appointment could be several days.
Engage Patients and Get Better Patient Outcomes Without insurance, a 30-minute teletherapy session can cost you more than an hour of in-person therapy.

Features of Doctor on Demand App

Features of Doctor on Demand App

Understanding the basic feature set of a doctor on demand app before you start developing it is essential. In addition to having a visually appealing and intuitive user experience, your app’s functionality will make you differentiate yourself from your competitors. Let’s have a look:

 1. Profiles of Patients and Doctors:

When developing the doctor on Demand application, creating profiles for patients and doctors should come first. After inputting a few details, it is where they will both sign in to the application.

Patients should be prompted to provide information on the page, such as their name, age, sex, mobile number, and email address. Nonetheless, a doctor’s profile should include information such as name, specialty (for example, gynecologist, cardiologist, etc.), and clinic location.

 2. In-app search functionalities:

The patients can conduct a needs-based search for a particular doctor or expert in this section. For instance, instead of searching through the entire database of doctors to find the right one, a person might search for a “cardiologist” to contact if they were having heart problems.

 3. Within-app Video Calling:

Patients can freely convey their distress to the doctor when they are virtually connected during a phone call or video chat. Conversely, this trait helps doctors perform their duties effectively.

 4. Recording video sessions:

You can subsequently access recordings of the doctor’s live video consultations. For instance, by watching the recorded session, the patient can better understand the drugs or exercises the doctor advised.

 5. Ratings, Reviews, and Images:

Also, you must provide in the app doctor ratings and reviews. As it is currently a trend globally, most patients prefer to contact specialists based on internet reviews and ratings of their offices. The clinic’s photo and the doctor’s image will enhance the value of the doctor’s profile.

 6. GPS Tracking:

The leading on-demand apps are set for additional expansion as the on-demand economy continues flourishing. Many on-demand apps are implementing this new technology because of developments in AI and GPS technologies. A medical application must contain GPS tracking as a necessary feature. It enables patients to travel the quickest route possible to the specialist’s office. In the event of a medical emergency, it is a valuable feature.

 7. Push Notifications:

Every type of mobile application needs to include this capability to provide users with notifications even when they are not actively using it. As a result, it gives consumers 24/7 access. Sending appointment reminders, when to take medications, and many other things prove helpful.

 8. Optional In-Built Payments:

As everyone embraces a cashless society, your application must include an option for an integrated payment gateway. The users will benefit from hassle-free online payment processing.

Moreover, credit or debit cards should be accepted for payment via the function. Users should also have the choice to make payments through integrated apps like Apple Pay, Google Pay, Braintree, or PayPal. But, you need to add a robust security layer here to prevent confidential information from being public.

 9. Messages within apps:

The developer’s technical options must allow doctors and patients to communicate x-rays, reports, and prescriptions inside the app. All the information mentioned above is regarded as patient-sensitive data and subject to all telemedicine-related rules and legislation. Your best bet is to use communication platforms like Q-communicate that are HIPPA and GDPR-compliant. 

 10. Taking Care of Emergency Cases:

Everyone can experience a medical emergency at any time, and nobody can forecast it, either. Emergency case management should be handled separately from the On-Demand Doctor App. Please include an area where a person could quickly call an ambulance on their phone with just one tap.

 11. Medical Reminders:

Medication reminders are used to remind the patient to take his medication. The app uses push alerts to remind users to take their prescription medications as directed by their doctor.

How to Develop an On-Demand Doctor App?

How to develop an on Demand App?

Developing a doctor on demand app involves several steps. Here is a general outline of the steps you can follow:

  1. Define the app’s purpose and features: The first step is to determine the purpose of the app and what features it should have. You can research similar apps in the market and identify the features that make them successful.
  2. Choose a development team: You’ll need to choose a team of developers to create your app. Look for a team with experience building on-demand apps that can work with the technology stack you prefer.
  3. Decide on the technology stack: The technology stack refers to the programming languages, frameworks, and tools used to build the app. Several options are available, including React Native, Flutter, and Ionic.
  4. Design the app’s user interface: Work with your development team to design your app’s user interface (UI). Consider the user experience (UX) and ensure the design is intuitive and easy to use.
  5. Develop the app’s backend: The backend is the server-side component of your app that handles the app’s data and business logic. It’s essential to build a scalable and secure backend.
  6. Implement features: Your development team must implement the features you’ve identified in step 1. This includes features like patient registration, booking appointments, and video consultations.
  7. Test the app: Testing is critical to ensuring your app works as expected. Test the app thoroughly to identify and fix any bugs or issues.
  8. Launch the app: Once developed and tested, you can launch it on the app stores. Make sure to promote the app to attract users.
  9. Maintain the app: After launch, you’ll need to maintain the app by fixing bugs, adding new features, and keeping the app up-to-date with the latest technology.

Developing a doctor on demand app requires careful planning, execution, and ongoing maintenance. By following these steps, you can build a successful app that meets the needs of patients and doctors alike.

Considerations Before Investing In On-Demand App Development

Considerations Before Investing In On-Demand App Development

Before investing in creating the on-demand doctor application, there are a few things to consider. Because simply having the proper application will not let you reach your health services in the specialized or niche market.

 1. Market Demand: 

The first thing you should consider before investing in on-demand app development is whether there is a market demand for your app idea. Conduct thorough market research to identify if there is a need for your app in the market. It is essential to determine if there is a market for your app before investing time and resources into app development.

 2. Recognize your target audience:

People from various backgrounds have different requirements and expectations from the healthcare sector. When faced with such a situation, the best way to design an app for doctor on-demand services is to understand your target user base’s demographics thoroughly. Otherwise, you risk creating a program that no one wants.

 3. Gather the Data:

You are creating an app to connect patients and physicians to communicate without going to a crowded clinic. Mobile app development companies must first collect and validate the doctor database to create a genuine doctor database. Unverified data cannot be offered to consumers by a dedicated app. It would help if you did this by speaking with medical professionals and contacting organizations. A scanned copy of their license must be uploaded to their profile if they are doctors and are available on your site.

 4. Choose the proper technological stack:

The functionalities of the telemedicine apps made available to doctors and patients on the platform are given life by the appropriate technology stack. They carry out the related task and provide the best possible user experience. Because of this, it is wise to choose the proper technological stack for your mobile app in advance.

 5. Development Costs: 

Developing an on-demand app can be expensive, so consider the costs involved in the development process. You should create a budget for development, including the costs of design, development, testing, and launch. Ensure that your app’s estimated revenue can justify the development costs to make the investment worth it.

 6. Contract with a reputable healthcare development company:

You can get assistance from an on-demand healthcare app professional in refining your concept and releasing an application that wins over everyone’s hearts. Thus, seek out the best healthcare app development company—one with knowledge and experience in building telehealth applications and a solid understanding of regulatory requirements and unspoken market obstacles.

How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Doctor On-Demand App?

How much does it cost to develop a doctor-on-demand app_

The average cost of developing a doctor on demand app depends on several elements and factors. Several factors, including the overall app development cost, are associated with creating an e-solution application. The cost of developing a doctor on demand app depends on various factors, such as the app’s complexity, the features you want to include, the technology stack used, the size of the development team, and the development company’s location. However, the estimated cost of developing a doctor on-demand app is between $20,000 to $70,000.

Here are some key factors that can impact the cost of developing a doctor on demand app:

  • Platform: The cost of developing an app for iOS or Android can vary. The price will be higher if you want to build the app for both platforms.
  • Features: The cost of developing a doctor-on-demand app will depend on the features you want to include, such as video consultations, appointment scheduling, prescription ordering, and payment processing.
  • Design: The design of the app can impact the cost. A simple design will cost less than a complex design with animations and graphics.
  • Development – This stage is where the app is built, including the front-end and back-end development, integrating APIs, and setting up the server. The cost of hiring developers and designers will vary depending on their experience and location.
  • Testing: Testing is an essential part of app development. The cost of testing will depend on the type of testing you want to conduct.
  • Deployment – This stage includes publishing the app on app stores and ensuring its availability and compatibility with different devices.
  • Apart from the development stages, there are other costs to consider, such as maintenance, hosting, and app updates, which can add up to the overall cost.

Additionally, the cost of developing a doctor on demand app can vary depending on the location of the development team. 

Country Cost of Doctor on-demand App Development
USA $60,000 – $80,000
UK $65,000 – $80,000
UAE $50,000 – $70,000
India $30,000 – $40,000

Overall, it’s essential to consider all these factors and get a detailed estimate from a reliable app development company before starting the development process.

How does an Doctor On Demand App work?

How does an on Demand App work_

The development of doctor on demand apps enables the most convenience possible for online and offline medical services. In the offline mode, tests and consultations can be completed at home, while patients can access online consultations. With just a few taps on their device’s screen, patients may connect with doctors. 

  • Doctors create profiles by registering. They disclose the cost of online consultations, their years of experience, and their areas of expertise.
  • A team of professionals verifies the profile. To prevent fake profiles, this verification is required. The specialization and credentials are verified.
  • Patients can maintain their medical histories and register their profiles using their email addresses.
  • For specific health issues, patients go for the online doctor profile. He can dial, send messages, and schedule appointments online. Patients can also call the doctor at home using the personal assistance option.
  • During a video consultation, the doctor converses with the patient and inquires about any health concerns. After a thorough discussion, the doctor can advise for the lab test or imaging.
  • After the video consultation process, the patient follows conventional protocol and pays the doctor for the received healthcare services via an integrated payment method. After paying for his treatment, he gets the bills detailing the prescribed medications and the pertinent doctor’s recommendations.


Without question, mobile applications’ success is driven by on-demand services. Nevertheless, you can only achieve that success if you have a good strategy for researching the industry, a good plan for carrying it out, a group of unique features, and a tech team behind you. On-demand app usage is rising, and fundamental technology has significantly improved, bringing further medical assistance. In 2023, the new norm will be on-demand video consultations and better healthcare delivered in the comfort of the home. You can place an order and receive the test results at home.

The blog is a thorough examination of doctor on demand app development from the perspective of a premier mobile app development company. Let’s work to improve the globe and provide better healthcare for all.


Question 1: What is a Doctor On Demand App?

A doctor on demand app is an inventive solution that lets you see a doctor without leaving the comfort of your home. It is similar to going to the doctor, except you don’t need to get dressed, locate transportation, or even get out of bed.

Question 2: How much will it cost to create a doctor on demand app?

An essential doctor on demand app typically costs between $35,000 and $45,000 to design. Keep in mind that extra features will increase the price.

Question 3: What telemedicine application features are essential for the optimal user experience?

The most important features of a telemedicine application that must be included for the best user experience include profile management, e-prescription, billing, alerts for notifications, 24 hours day, seven-days-a-week accessibility, etc.

Question 4: What benefits does doctor on demand app offer?

Using a smartphone app, On-demand Doctor allows patients to connect with doctors to save time and money, reducing hospital inconveniences and enabling access to healthcare services anywhere in the world. The app assists doctors in connecting with new patients, scheduling appointments, and offering seamless consultations via the app.